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Tutkielmat » Lukio » EN6 - The da Vinci code

  • Julkaistu: 08.03.2008
  • Päivitetty: 14.02.2011
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Englannin kirja-analyysi
Tehty: 19.05.2006 Arvosana: 96
Sivuja: 1 kpl Sanamäärä: 295
Tekijä: Max

Tehtävänä oli tehdä kirja-analyysi englanniksi luetusta kirjasta. Analyysin kirjoittaja sai luvan kuunnella kirjasta äänikirja-version (audiobook) ja tehdä kirja-analyysi sen perusteella.

Dan Brown: The da Vinci code

Dan Brown's the da Vinci code is an interesting story about symbolist Robert Langdon's journey in helping Sophie Neveu, whose grandfather, the only member of their family still alive, was murdered inside the museum of Louvre in Paris. Langdon and Neveu discover and realize many famous paintings include secret symbols and meanings which one can't see without the proper equipment and a more detailed knowledge in symbols, art history and the making of a painting from scratch.

The book is a fascinating, breathtaking thriller and once you start reading (or listening to the audiobook) you really can't let go. Many nights I stayed awake due to the fear of someone coming after me, since I listened to it at 12 o' clock in the dark room. I really must admit I ain't much of a reader but this book - whether it was because of the audiobook or the interesting plot of solving mysteries - did have a great impact on me.

Wherever the da Vinci code has been published, there have always been the haters and the lovers. The best-seller has really raised discussion in many countries mostly because of the conspiracies related to the Catholic church. In France, Italy and Spain critics have truly criticized it. The French deny the greatness of the book also because the act of the French judicial police isn't really what you would call exemplary. They make false accusations and the morality and way they handle with things is questionable.

All in all, this book really is worth reading (although i prefer listening) whereas there are those who don't really care about reading, you can now watch it in the movie theater since the film was now released during the film festival of Cannes.

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